Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Up With Cholesterol, Down With Iron

New Study: Women With Higher Cholesterol Live Longer | AnthonyColpo: Aside from the article being both informative and humorous, it brings to mind a few thoughts.

1) We as a society are so into polarity and extremes, that we are destroying ourselves with it. Everything is either soooo awesome, it's a miracle cure and you should eat it every meal every day; or it's horribly bad, causing cancer and you should never allow it into your home. In most things, I'm not given to this sort of extremism, as I haven't experienced anything in the world to be so black-and-white. Moderation is the key to health and happiness.

2) Putting your faith in a quick-fix pill for ANY kind of health problem is almost always a mistake. Many pharmaceuticals have side effects worse than the symptoms they're designed to treat. And make no mistake, pills do just that: treat symptoms. They do not cure underlying causes or rectify the imbalances that caused your problem in the first place, so even if a drug seems to be "working," you've likely just stuck a Band-Aid on your problem. Nothing replaces improving your health through lifestyle changes.

3) Doctors do not always know what's best for you. Passively accepting everything a doctor tells you and popping the little pills is doing yourself a serious disservice. Yes, doctors are trained specialists. But there is more to know about health and medicine than can be squeezed into any one doctor's head. And health knowledge changes at a pace that no one can adequately keep up with. You certainly can't expect your doctor to have all the latest and greatest info about every little thing that's ailing you. You should be your own best health expert. Besides, most doctors these days are ruled by the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. Listen to what your doc has to say, but then apply your own reason and research.

'via Blog this'

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